If you already have the outer class type object, then you can access the inner class as a property of the outer class as follows: The following example shows how to return the type object of the Float inner class in 2D: To access a static inner class, use the dollar sign ($) in the argument passed to the Java.type() method. You can use the type object returned by the Java.type() function to access static fields and methods as follows: Var customSizeArrayList = new ArrayList(16) Var defaultSizeArrayList = new ArrayList The following example shows you how to instantiate new objects using the default constructor and by passing arguments to another constructor: Java type objects can be used to instantiate new Java objects. For example, you can can use it to instantiate new objects as follows: The type object returned by the Java.type() function can be used in JavaScript code similar to how a class name is used in Java. The following example shows you how to get various type objects: To access primitive and reference Java types from JavaScript, call the Java.type() function, which returns a type object that corresponds to the full name of the class passed in as a string.